HCR121 (2017 Regular Session) Dashboard

Agency Application Description PMO Moderization Status Loss Impact Economic Impact Social Impact Finding Type Replacement Cost Replaced By Key
Department of Education Childcare Assistance Program System (CAPS) System to determine eligibility for CCAP childcare assistance based upon Federal guidelines. Low income (LI) clients must meet activity and income requirements and this determines the amount of assistance they may receive. TANF client (FW) referrals are processed online thru the JOBS system; these clients are categorically eligible for CCAP assistance. Childcare is authorized for the clients to specific providers for set amounts and time periods. As of August 1, 2010, this activity is electronically recorded and validated using TOTS. A nightly payment process sends validated payments to the childcare providers. Electronic payments via a stored value card or direct deposit to a bank account (replacing paper checks) were implemented 8/31/2006. Payments can be made by check but only under special circumstances determined by state office staff and approval for this is entered into the system. A nightly process also sends client notices regarding eligibility and childcare changes. Notices are generated through an online ‘forms option’ or through the daily interface with L’AMI and STEP or as a result of online transactions entered into the CAPS system. A forms history is maintained. The CAPS batch reporting produces daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly and annual reports as defined in user requirements. In-Progress 4 - Devastating Impact For the month of December 2017, DOE made payments to daycare facilities totaling $5,328.134.44. The failure of this application would halt payments to daycare centers providing critical services to Louisiana citizens who are considered at risk, which are 16,724 children and included 910 daycare facilities statewide as of December 2017. It would also stop attendance verification which has the potential to increase fraud. This would prevent DOE staff from determining child eligibility for daycare and also would prevent DOE from receiving referrals from Strategies to Empower People (STEP) program for placing children in daycare. Key 1M-2M EdLink Student Portal OEPT-387
Department of Education Bureau of Licensing Application System (BLAS) The Bureau of Licensing Application System (BLAS) is used to establish and maintain information relating to the licenses for all childcare programs. The system is used to generate letters, licenses, and statistical reports. In-Progress 4 - Devastating Impact Key 100K-500K EdLink Entity Portal OEPT-429
Department of Education Curriculum Verification and Results Reporting Portal (CVR) The CVR system derives data from the LRS database which gathers data from PEP, SIS, and CUR. Teachers and Principals create logins through a self-registration process and may then update student lists. Principals use the system to verify student rosters and have access to override or approve changes. Once all data has been verified, program administrators use this information to assess teacher-student and school-student achievement outcomes. The achievement outcomes are then loaded into the CVR database and the CVR system will display achievement outcome reports for individual teachers and principals. In-Progress 4 - Devastating Impact Personnel decisions such as promotions and terminations are made using data from this system. If unavailable, DOE would not be able to accurately tie student, teachers and standardized test score together which in turn would prevent them from accurately assessing how various education programs are performing. It would also take away one of the tools people use to identify both exceptional and poor performing teachers/student, resulting in the inability to learn from the successful educators and also take corrective action with the underperformers. Key 500K-1M EdLink 360 OEPT-435
Department of Education Human Capital System (HCS) The HCS is a data system that supports human capital functions such as goal-setting, professional development planning, observation/conferencing cycles, and annual evaluations for teachers and leaders across the state. The HCS links to PEP to obtain basic personnel information and to CVR to obtain value-added data. HCS may be expanded to support additional human capital processes, including recruitment and staffing. In-Progress 4 - Devastating Impact Personnel decisions such as promotions and terminations are made using data from this system. If unavailable, it severely limits the ability for professional development planning and evaluations. This system is used in conjunction with other systems to calculate the VAM scores. This could result in the failure to identify underperforming educators and take the necessary correction actions with these educators, thereby reducing the ability of the state to educate students properly. Key 1M-2M EdLink Staff Portal OEPT-439
Department of Education Password Reset System (PRS) Established for all LDOE and LEA staff to be able to reset their own PASSWORDS. In-Progress 4 - Devastating Impact State would need to hire additional personnel to manually support statewide user base at an annual cost of approximately $300-$500K. Without this system, users and system administrators across the state would not be able to update user passwords. Users would have to contact OTS to manage and update all (30,000+) accounts for users of LDOE's data systems. Normal 100K-500K EdLink Security OEPT-449
Department of Education Totally Automated Security (TAS) Provides security administration for LDOE & LEA Security coordinators to maintain their own security at their LEAs. In-Progress 4 - Devastating Impact Potential loss of all federal and state dollars associated to requirements of data collection. Without this system, no users would be able to authenticate/gain access to any of the LDOE data systems. No schools or districts across the state would be able to submit, update or export data from LDOE's state data systems. Normal 100K-500K EdLink Security OEPT-464